At this time, Bristol’s Town Meeting remains scheduled to continue at the Newfound Regional High School Auditorium, Saturday, March 14, 2020 at 9:00 am.

We fully understand everyone’s desire to attend the meeting, have their say, and cast their vote. We also want everyone to be safe and healthy.

Throughout the COViD-19 pandemic to date, Local and State officials, the WHO, CDC, and others have basically advised you to follow your mother’s advice for cold and flu season:

  • Cough and sneeze into a tissue or your elbow;
  • Wash your hands thoroughly throughout the day;
  • Keep your fingers away from your mouth;
  • If your sick stay home.

If you add social distancing (maintain 6 feet separation, no handshakes or high fives) to this list, it remains the best advice as we approach Town Meeting and any other group gatherings, or contacts you have in the near future.

In addition, we wish to share the following from the CDC:

“Older adults and people who have severe underlying chronic medical conditions like heart or lung disease or diabetes seem to be at higher risk for developing more serious complications from COVID-19 illness.  People who are at higher risk are encouraged to avoid crowds as much as possible.” -Center’s for Disease Control and Prevention. “Get your mass gatherings or large community events ready for coronavirus disease 2019.” March 3, 2020.

What are we doing to prepare for town meeting?

  • We will have hand sanitizer available.
  • Hand sanitizer should not replace hand washing, and you are encouraged to do so frequently, especially after a ballot vote.
  • Supervisor’s and ballot clerks will have gloves available to use while handling ballots.
  • Attendees are encouraged to spread-out in the auditorium, place at least a seat between you and someone else.
  • Everyone will be handed a pencil to use for the day and keep with them.

Note on surgical masks:

These are a good practice if you are sick and need to go into a doctor’s appointment or some other essential function where you will contact others. They do not, however, provide the appropriate filtration if you are trying to prevent the spread of what you have or are trying to not get COViD-19.

If you are sick and decide to attend but wear a surgical mask, you are possibly still going to spread whatever you have.

If you are not sick and wear a surgical mask, you are still at risk of getting COViD-19 if you are exposed to it.

For more information on COVID-19, please review the Health Office page under Health Alerts. There are daily updates / briefings provided by the NH Department of Health and Human Services as well as other general information.