Newfound Area School District Deliberative Session

Event Date: 
Saturday, January 30, 2021 - 10:00am to 12:00pm

The Newfound Area School District is planning a COVID-19 safe deliberative
session on January 30th at 10:00 am at Newfound Regional High School (NRHS).
The snow date is February 1st at 6:30 pm.
This year the deliberative session will be held in the gymnasium. We will safely
seat 160 people, six feet apart. The auditorium will also be prepared for socially
distanced seating if we reach capacity in the gymnasium. All seating will be
cleaned and disinfected before the meeting. People in the auditorium will view the
meeting on a live internet video stream and will have access to a microphone if
they wish to speak to the meeting. An Assistant Moderator will be assigned to
facilitate the process of voting in the auditorium and classrooms.
People who would like their own private space due to safety concerns may view
the meeting in a classroom via live video stream. Attendees with these concerns
are encouraged to contact the SAU office at 744-5555 to request a classroom.
Supervisors of the Checklist for each town will be assigned to designated areas at
NRHS in order to maintain proper spacing.
Masks will be required for attendees of this meeting and temperature screenings
will be conducted prior to entering the meeting room. Mask-less attendees will be
asked to view the meeting in one of our classrooms.